Jacoby Shaddix paljastaa Papa Roachin aikovan julkaista seuraavan albuminsa oman levy-yhtiönsä kautta
Yhdysvaltalainen rockyhtye Papa Roach työstää parhaillaan musiikkia tulevaa albumiaa varten. Yhtyeen laulaja Jacoby Shaddix on paljastanut tuoreessa Rock Sound TV:n haastattelussa, että yhtye aikoo julkaista seuraavan albuminsa oman levy-yhtiönsä kautta yhteistyössä Warner/ADAn kanssa. Jacoby kertoi bändin päätöksestä vaihtaa levy-yhtiötä seuraavaa:
”While in quarantine, we negotiated a record deal, so we’re with a new company for this next album. And we’re excited about that. We are the record company for this one. We are in partnership with Warner/ADA, and so it’s like an artist services group. And we’re gonna do that for an album and see how it works out. We’ve been super focused in the creative marketing behind what we do and the imaging and the videos and the messaging and everything, we were, like, let’s take it in our hands and see where we can go with it and try it for an album.”
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyy
Kysyttäessä haastattelussa, missä mallissa bändi on levyn suhteen ja mitä on seuraavaksi luvassa, kertoi Jacoby seuraavaa:
”We’ve been doing a lot of writing — writing and recording. Everybody’s got their own rigs at their place. We went down to L.A. for 10 days on the low and just were getting together and making noise and making music.
We wanna come out of this experience with a bunch of content and creative stuff to flood the people with, because it’s important for to maintain a creative flow and a creative dialogue between the members. We’ve been doing it so long, I feel like if we stop, then that’s it. So we’ve gotta keep it going, man.
There’s no shortage of things to sing about, talk about, write about, scream about, croon about.
There was a couple of things laying around that we wanted to button up, so we jumped into those. And then the rest of it is just on the spot: ’All right. Cool. What are we feeling today?’
We went in and worked on this track, one of ’em called ’Bloodline’. We had been, obviously, locked up in our places for the better part of two months at this point, and we got in a room together, and the dialogue amongst the band was just, like, if we make something that just seems safe right now, it just doesn’t seem right. We have to make something that expresses how unglued and unhinged we feel. And I guess ’safe’ just wasn’t the mode. And we went in and wrote this track that’s, like, P. Roach meets System Of A Down meets Devo. And we walked away and we were, like, ’Oh my God.’ I played it for my kids and my wife when I came home, and everybody was, like, ’That’s fire. That’s sick.’ There’s something nutty about where it’s almost got, in a sense, a little Enter Shikari-ness to it. I’ve been a big fan of those guys and just how kind of kooky they are. They’ve always been nuts. They’ve been an influence on me as a creative person for some years. Not to say that the whole record will sound like that, because we never sound like one thing.”
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