
James Hetfield kertoi tuoreen Category 7 -yhtyeen kuuntelun saaneen hänet yllättymään ja hymyilemään

Kirjoittanut Ingeborg Roos - 19.6.2024

Metallican James Hetfield kertoi taannoisessa The Metallica Reportin jaksossa tuoreesta musiikista, joka on kiinnittänyt hänen huomionsa. Hetfieldin mukaan satunnainen radiokanavan selailu tutustutti hänet Category 7 -yhtyeeseen, jonka vokalisti kuulosti erityisen hyvältä Hetfieldin korvaan. Category 7 koostuu monista nimekkäistä artisteista: vokalistina John Bush (Armored Saint, ex-Anthrax), kitaristeina Phil Demmel (Kerry King, ex-Vio-Lence) ja Mike Orlando (ex-Adrenaline Mob), bassossa Jack Gibson (Exodus) ja rummuissa Jason Bittner (Overkill, Shadows Fall). John Bushista kaavailtiin aikoinaan vokalistia Metallicalle, mutta Bush kieltäytyi tarjouksesta. Hetfield kertoi:

”As far as new music goes… Let’s see. I flipped through Sirius XM satellite radio a bunch. I mean, it’s just so easy to go on to your playlist and listen to the same stuff over and over. And if I’m not listening to the radio of some sort where someone else is in control, I’m not learning new stuff so much. I don’t like getting caught in that rabbit hole: ’If you like this, you might like this.’ And then sometimes that works. Sometimes it doesn’t. That’s a computer telling me what I might like.”

”But listening to the radio, I guess the newest thing that I was surprised by and really made me smile was Category 7, a band that’s kind of a collaboration of few people. I was listening to it, I’m going, ’That voice is awesome. And it sounds very familiar. It was fricking John Bush, our singer that we never got.

So I heard one song on the radio, and that’s it. And it was great. It was really good. And I’m glad that John has kind of gone out on his own and done his own thing. And he was so, so, so tied to Armored Saint and then the Anthrax thing. Yeah, it’s exciting.”

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