Jesse Leach mielenterveysongelmistaan: ”Emme aio perua Killswitch Engagen keikkoja ongelmieni takia.”

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 14.1.2019

Yhdysvaltalaisen metalcore-yhtyeen Killswitch Engagen laulaja Jesse Leach julkaisi hiljattain virallisen viestin, jonka mukaan hän aikoo pitää taukoa sosiaalisista medioista keskittyäkseen hoitamaan avioerosta johtuvia mielenterveysongelmiaan. Jesse on nyt julkaissut sosiaalisessa mediassa vielä yhden viestin, jonka mukaan Killswitch Engage ei aio perua tulevia keikkojaan laulajan ongelmien vuoksi. Voit lukea viestin tästä:

“I have begun to get the help I need and I am grateful for the tribe of people that have begun to surround me. I will keep this brief as I need to maintain my distance from social media to continue to rebuild and focus on my mind and body. First of all thank you for the outpouring of love and support.

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I am unable to read all of the messages and comments and apparently articles and blogs (didn’t see that coming). ALSO rest assured I look forward to this next tour more than I have any other. This is for various reasons, but mostly because music is my biggest medicine and always has been. So no I will absolutely NOT cancel any shows!

Lastly no need to ask my friends, my x-wife or band mates what happened what’s going on or how I am. You heard it from me today, I am ok and I will cautiously take one day at a time as this will be a process. Everyone has their breaking point I reached mine and asked for help! Then help swooped in like a Hawk to rescue me.

Love to you all, love to my family, my friends old and new, my therapists, my x wife who is still my friend despite our separation and situation (so please don’t bug her about any of this, she has her own journey to begin to work on). Thank you, thank you, thank you. All! .
I will post again when I feel the need to do so.

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However I do not plan on going as deep as I did when this account began. I’m not ready for that just yet, and perhaps need to be selective with what I do share. If you or someone you know is having issues, problems and in need of help, please don’t hesitate to ask, to seek it and to speak up! There are many amazing humans that want nothing more than to help! 🙏🏼 #thewaybackwithin #OnTheMend #LifeChanges #ItsOkNotToBeOk #JesseLeach #Depression #Anxiety #Healing #SpeakUp #AskForHelp #Grateful #Blessed #JesseLeach”

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