Job For A Cowboyn basisti vertailee albumin striimaamista sen omistamiseen
Yhdysvaltalaisen deathcorea soittavan Job For A Cowboyn basisti Nick Schendzielos on julkaissut yhtyeen Facebook -sivuilla viestin, jossa vertailee fyysisen albumin omistamista esimerkiksi albumin lataamiseen tai striimaamiseen verrattuna. Voit lukea Nickin kirjoituksen asiasta tästä:
“There’s just something about holding it in your hands… some intangible feeling of value, of possession, that is just not there digitally. From the mystique and beauty of the printed colors of the artwork…to reading the lyric booklet as you listen along to the songs, to reading the credits and thank you lists…All these things establish such a stronger and more permanent connection to the album and the artist and that is straight up missing from today’s world of Spotify, iTunes, or illegal downloading.
I love Spotify as much as the next guy, maybe even more, but the experience that came with the physical act of collecting music was such a massive part of the love of it. I miss it. So I KNOW that the generation of kids in today’s musical climate are missing out on something that could enhance this all-too-quick-to-dismiss-something-if-it-doesn’t-keep-my-attention-for-more-than-15-seconds-vine-instagram-hyperactive-attention-deficit-disorder-societies dire need for something of real substance. My burrito and drink at lunch the other day came to $11.37…and they’re long gone.
Later that day I bought a latte for $6.94….also gone. When did we accept the argument that 10 bucks for something you could have your whole life, get untold amounts of joy from, that took months or even years of people’s blood, sweat, and tears, in addition to the tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars spent making the record was asking too much? Are we crazy?
Job For A Cowboy julkaisee uuden ”Sun Eater” nimeä kantavan albuminsa marraskuun 11. päivä Metal Blade Recordsin kautta.