Joey Jordison kertoo suhtautuvansa avoimesti country- tai ooppera-albumien tekemiseen

Kirjoittanut Teemu Esko - 27.6.2016

Joey Jordison 2016Rumpali Joey Jordison (ex-Slipknot, Vimic, Sinsaenum) kertoo tuoreessa Metal Hammer -haastattelussaan suhtautuvan avoimesti mahdollisen country- tai jopa ooppera-albumin tekemiseen tulevaisuudessa, sillä hän etsii jatkuvasti tilaisuuksia soittaa erilaisia musiikkityylejä:

”My brain never stops. I never stop. Being a musician that digs a lot of different styles, you always want to fill that void in your heart, just so it’s done, just so it’s finished.

”There are always things I want to do. That’s why I’ve played in so many bands in my life. It’s not that I jump from one thing to another, it’s just such a great opportunity to play with so many great people and I’ve learned a lot from all of them.

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”I can’t stick with one thing. People can say whatever the fuck they want about me. I never betray what I’m doing at one time.

”One day I might do a country record because I love country music. I love opera… so who knows? I like to expand my horizons as much as I can.”

Jordison kertoo haluavansa olla niin aktiivinen kuin suinkin mahdollista, ja aloittaa tämän uusilla Vimic– ja Sinsaenum-projekteillaan:

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”I’m very happy that I have those things. Is it difficult? Is life difficult, you know? Having two records out by amazing bands, that’s not difficult at all. It’s an honour and a pleasure.

”There are fans out there that are waiting to hear it. We’ve worked on these records a long time and we’re 100% proud that we’re able to do this.

”It’s not just releasing a record. We have a mission and we have other ideas. Just because these first two records are coming out, it doesn’t mean we’re not seeing so much more shit coming from miles away.”

Lisäksi Jordison kertoo työskenteleväsä parhaillaan Sinsaenumissakin vaikuttavan Mayhem-vokalisti Attila Csiharin kanssa erikoisen materiaalin parissa:

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”Me and Attila come up with so much fucking weird shit, and it’s gonna rule.

”Dude, it’s gonna get livid and fucking real. Otherwise, what’s the point of doing it? You’ve got to be full in. That’s what I’m here for.”