Joey Jordison lopettaa Scar The Martyrin: miehen uuden yhtyeen Vimicin ensimmäinen single kuunneltavissa

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 5.5.2016

Vimic 2016Slipknotin riveistä metallimaailman tietoisuuteen noussut rumpali Joey Jordison on päättänyt perustaa uuden yhtyeen nimeltä Vimic. Yhtye sai hiljattain valmiiksi ”Open Your Omen” -nimisen debyyttialbuminsa nauhoitukset yhdessä tuottaja Kato Khandwalan (The Pretty Reckless, We Are The Harlot) kanssa ja debyyttialbumia odotellaan julkaistavaksi syksyllä 2016 RoadRunner Recordsin kautta. Voit kuunnella yhtyeeltä uuden kappaleen nimeltä ”Simple Skeletons” tästä:

Joey Jordison on kommentoinut tulevaa projektiaan Sirius XM:n Jose Manginin tuoreessa haastattelussa seuraavasti:

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”Basically, [after] my departure from SLIPKNOT, [I was] readjusting what I wanted to do musically with the rest of my career, and just kind of reforming my thoughts on what I wanted to do, I decided that I really wanted to start fresh, man,” he told SiriusXM’s Jose Mangin. ”I did not want to keep rehashing some old ideas and stuff like that. I’m, like, if I’m gonna keep going, I really wanna just break loose and I just wanna wipe the slate clean and start fresh. So I renamed the band and I got a new singer and I got a new keyboard player. There’s three other members that still exist from the SCAR THE MARTYR lineup.”

”We just went into the studio. Like, no stress — we went down to the basement and we just started demoing material, and everything really started clicking. And demoed probably about forty songs. So as soon as we got done with probably about a good twenty of ’em, of course, we shopped it to the label and all that stuff, and kind of got on page with them with what they liked, what we thought we could improve on, and kind of went back to the drawing board, as most bands do, and kind of kept going at it. So we went into the studio with Kato Khandwala and we just started hashing it out, man. [It was] kind of old school; we didn’t have too much pressure from the label. We just went in, like, ’Let’s just go back to just getting in the studio, jamming as a band, getting together with our instruments, and not having anything too formulated and just creating from the ground up.”

”One of the coolest things about creating this record was it was really old-school style, and that’s one of the biggest results out of the final product, and we’re totally proud of it, man. We’re excited about it.”

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