Joey Jordison: ”Minulla on kotona pino julkaisemattomia Slipknot-demoja”

Kirjoittanut Nicole Hellberg - 7.11.2018

Slipknotin entinen rumpali, ja nykyisin Sinsaenum-ja Vimic-yhtyeissä toimiva Joey Jordison on kertonut Metal Hammerin haastattelussa, että hänellä on kotonaan pino valmiita ennenjulkaisemattomia Slipknotille tehtyjä demoja. Jordison kertoi haastattelussa, että materiaalia voisi mahdollisesti vielä joskus käyttää, mutta vain Slipknotille:

 “I have a ton of Slipknot demos that I have at home. Maybe some day they’ll surface, maybe they’ll never be heard, but I don’t translate them to any other band, they still stay in the Slipknot safe. I won’t use them for anyone else besides Slipknot, if that ever happens again.”

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Jordison kertoi myös hieman omasta prosessistaan kappaleita tehdessään:

 ”I play guitar all the time and I’m constantly thinking of songs. I sleep music. I wake up and there’s a riff in my head, every step I take there’s a riff, a beat, or something. That’s the way a musician is. You’re isolated in a weird way because music is haunting you as much as it’s loving you. It’s non-stop. Every time I pick up a guitar, I come up with different riffs, all different bands I’ve been in, sometimes there is a song or riff that could only belong with Slipknot and I just can’t use it for anything else, regardless of whatever happened. It just stays in the bank and I can’t use it for anything else, I just won’t do it.”

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