Joey Jordisonin luotsaamalta Sinsaenum-yhtyeeltä toinen albumi elokuussa

Kirjoittanut Nicole Hellberg - 10.4.2018

Death metal-yhtye Sinsaenum on ilmoittanut julkaisevansa toisen albuminsa 10. elokuuta. Entisen Slipknot-rumpali Joey Jordisonin ja Dragonforce-yhtyeen basistin Frédéric Leclerqin perustaman yhtyeen albumi tulee kantamaan nimeä ”Repulsion For Humanity”.

Uusi albumi ei tule olemaan valtavirran radiohittimusiikkia, Frédéricin kuvaillessa Blabbermouth-sivustolla albumia seuraavin sanoin:

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”The new album is a continuation of ’Ashes’. In terms of sound and style, we’ve added more influences to the mix. This album is a hundred percent us — not aimed to please the masses, not following formulas, and not made to fit radio criteria. From the artwork (made by Travis Smith), to the lyrics, to the music itself, there isn’t an ounce of commercial compromise. ”Repulsion For Humanity” was recorded during the long, dark winter of 2018 while the band shared a house. With the help of Francis Caste on mixing duties, Sinsaenum sharpened its own sonic identity — far from the typical death or modern metal sound.

Näin Jordison kuvailee uutta albumia ja rumpujen nauhoitusprosessia:

”In a way, ’Repulsion…’ almost feels like this is our first album, because I had the opportunity to record my drum tracks in France with the band present this time. Them giving me ideas and being able to construct the tracks together as a band made for a killer foundation for the rest to build upon. This album is lethal, and the songwriting has evolved immensely.”

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Myös Sinsaenumin laulaja Sean Zatorsky kuvailee albumia mahtavan brutaaliksi:

”This is by far the heaviest, brutal, most amazing album I’ve ever been a part of. The riffs are so fucking sick that they inspired me to vocally do things I have never been able to do but always wanted to — literally. I held nothing back because the music held nothing back.”

Sinsaenum on:
Sean Zatorsky – vokaalit
Attila Csihar – vokaalit
Joey Jordison – rummut
Frédéric Leclerq – kitara
Stéphane Buriez – kitara
Heimoth – basso

Viime vuonna julkaistun ”Ashes”-EP:n nimikkoraita:

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