John Corabia ei ärsytä vastata Mötley Crüe -kysymyksiin: ”Olen kiitollinen saamastani mahdollisuudesta”

Kirjoittanut Suvi Seppänen - 2.8.2023

Toisinaan muusikoilta kysellään haastatteluissa heidän menneisyydestään, vaikka tuoreitakin saavutuksia olisi vyöllä. Myös Mötley Crüe -yhtyeen laulajana vuosina 1992-1996 toiminut John Corabi saa vastata liki 30 vuotta vanhoihin bändiasioihin liittyviin kysymyksiin. Tuoreessa Rockin’ Metal Revivalin haastattelussa Corabi kuitenkin kertoo, etteivät yksittäiset kysymykset haittaa häntä:

”It doesn’t bother me because, look, at the end of the day, I do realize, first of all, I’m grateful for the opportunity that they gave me. I also realize, too, that having been a part of that has actually given me, you know, I don’t wanna say ’longevity’ because I’ve been productive. But it’s just kind of kept me afloat. I can’t even say that. Maybe ’longevity’ would be the word; it’s given me some longevity or some credibility, whatever. But the thing that bugs me more than anything is if the question, like if I do an interview and the whole interview winds up, or the majority of it winds up being about Mötley, that’s kind of frustrating ’cause you wanna talk about the new thing that you’re doing.”

The Dead Daisies -yhtyeeseen tänä vuonna palannut Corabi kertoo myös, että hänen sanomisiaan poimitaan turhan usein klikkiotsikkoihin:

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”But the other thing that irritates me is I get asked questions about that and I give honest answers, or my opinion anyway, and it winds up becoming clickbait on — God — every web site ever. And then it’s funny — you see these comments from the fans and it kind of irritates me because I’ve done this in the past where I said, ’You know what? I don’t wanna talk about that.’ And immediately all the comments after they wrote on all the clickbait channels, it was, like, ’Oh, John Corabi doesn’t wanna talk about Mötley Crüe anymore.’ And all these comments are, like, ’Oh, my God. What an ungrateful bastard. They gave him the opportunity of a lifetime.’ But then, if I do talk about it and somebody asks me opinion and I give it, they’re, like, ’Oh my God. Doesn’t that guy have anything better to do? He’s still talking about Mötley Crüe 26 years later.’ So I’ve just kind of resolved myself to being, whatever way I go, I’m gonna stick my foot in my mouth, so just start learning to enjoy the taste of my socks.”

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