John Dolmayan System Of A Downin uuden musiikin puutteesta: ”Se on jotain, mihin en voi vaikuttaa”

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 2.2.2020

Ensi kesänä Provinssiin saapuvan yhdysvaltalaisen metalliyhtye System Of A Downin edellisen albumin julkaisusta on ehtinyt kulua jo 15 vuotta. Yhtye kirjoitti yhdessä vaiheessa jo biisejäkin albumia varten, mutta levyä ei koskaan olla sisäisten erimielisyyksien takia päästy nauhoittamaan.

Nyt yhtyeen rumpali John Dolmayan on antanut Kerrang!:lle haastattelun, jossa hän on kertonut halunneensa nauhoittaa bändin kanssa uutta musiikkia useaan otteeseen vuosien saatossa, mutta valitettavasti hänestä riippumattomista syistä se ei ole koskaan toteutunut. Dolmayan kertoi bändin tämän hetkisestä tilanteesta uuden musiikin osalta seuraavaa:

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”Unfortunately, it’s not something that’s in my control. I wanted to make an album in 2007… and 2009… and 2012… and 2015… and 2018, and we’d have been making an album now if it was up to me. As long as we were making music that we felt was of the same quality, there was no reason to stop making records, but not everybody in the band shares my mindset for whatever reason.

”I’ve said in the past that we’ve got to put our egos aside when it comes to this type of stuff. We started as a band that struggled; none of us had money, and tried to make it, not because we wanted money but because we had a passion for what we were doing. We wanted to make that into our careers, whether that made us enough money to survive or into multimillionaires, whatever got us to the point of making a living as an artist, that’s what we were pursuing. The mistake that many of us make is that you start to believe the hype about yourselves, you start to believe how wonderful you are and anything you do is gold. If you listen to your fans on Instagram, you can drive yourself nuts, as the vast majority on there are telling you how great you are, but then there are others telling you you’re shit. Once you start believing anyone but yourself, you’ve already lost and you can’t recover from that.

”For whatever reason, SYSTEM OF A DOWN has done a really good job of getting into that in our own way. But we’re not alone; TOOL did a very good job of that for a long time, and RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE has done a fantastic job of that for as long as we’ve been a band.”

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