John Petrucci suitsuttaa Mike Portnoyn suoritusta sooloalbumillaan: ”Hän hoiti homman kivuttomasti”
Dream Theaterista tuttu kitaristi John Petrucci julkaisi ”Terminal Velocity” -sooloalbuminsa 28. elokuuta Sound Mind Musicin kautta. Albumilla vieraili myös hänen Dream Theater -ajan yhtyetoverinsa Mike Portnoy, joka hoiti rumpuosuudet Petruccin albumille. Petrucci vieraili muun muassa The Hauntedista tutun Ola Englundin vieraana tämän YouTube-kanavalla ja kertoi yleisön olleen ilahtunutta nähdessään hänen työskentelevän Portnoyn kanssa pitkästä aikaa. Petrucci kertoi:
”People are really happy about it. It’s funny — you know how things are online with social media and the different outlets that we put music and videos out, you try not to get sucked too much into the comment section. However, I do like to kind of scan that, and what I saw was people just very happy, not only that Mike and I were doing something musically together, which the main comments were mostly that, but just that they thought the [first] song [to be released from the album] was very positive and uplifting. And I love that.
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyyWith my solo music, I want it to be something that you look forward to listening to and that could enhance your mood when you’re doing something. When you’re going to the gym, you’re going for a drive, you’re going to the beach — whatever you’re doing. ’I’m gonna put this on ’cause it’s gonna elevate my mood.’ The last thing I wanted to do was make some kind of depressing, dark, pandemic-themed thing. It’s not what I’m about as a guitar player.”
Portnoyn suoritus ”Terminal Velocity” -albumilla ja taidot ylipäänsä saavat kitaristilta ylistystä. Kaikki sujui hänen mukaansa mutkattomasti ja helposti, ja miehillä oli studiossa mukavaa:
”It was really great for me to have Mike play on the record. I hadn’t done anything musically with him since he left DREAM THEATER over 10 years ago. And it was really just fun, because it’s different when you’re in a band with somebody. Really, we grew up together — we met when we were 18. And you’re in business together. It’s different than when it’s, like, fast forward, now it’s, like, my friend is playing drums on my album. It was so easy going and so cool. He was able to come to my studio despite the pandemic situation on the East Coast in the U.S. It was safe for him to come to the studio — he doesn’t live that far from me. And he spent a week, and we had fun. And he did a killer job.
These songs take a lot of different skills, I think, as a drummer — some are uplifting and happy; some are metal; some take double-bass chops; some you’ve gotta do a shuffle; some are blues;some is Latin feel. And it’s just a testament to Mike’s playing — he knows how to do all that stuff. And he came in, totally easy going, did it. We had fun. And I’m really happy that he did it.”