Jonathan Davis: ”Kornin tuleva albumi on hyvin synkkä ja henkilökohtainen”
Kornin nokkamies Jonathan Davis on antanut Kerrang!-lehdelle haastattelun, jonka aiheena oli muun muassa 13. syyskuuta julkaistava uusi studioalbumi ”The Nothing”. Tuleva levy on Davisille hyvinkin henkilökohtainen käsitellen synkällä teemallaan viime vuonna läpikäytyjä vaikeita asioita ja menetyksiä. Davis kertoo levynteosta seuraavasti:
”It’s a record I’m really, really, really proud of. I worked really hard on it. The rest of the members worked hard and really did a great job. It’s a very dark record.
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyy”It’s basically me dealing with all the stuff that happened to me last year. Very emotional for me, but it is what it is. I can’t wait for people to hear it. I really spent a long time on doing what I wanted to do this time. No producers came in. And people trying to get me to do one thing this way or the other way — everybody was overthinking a lot of things — but I finally was fed up with it and kicked everyone out and said, ’It’ll be done when it’s done.’ And I locked myself up in my studio and spent a long time reflecting and just healing and making my art. And a couple of months later, I came out and it’s done and I just can’t wait for you to hear it. I can’t explain much.”
”The whole record is — I wouldn’t say a concept record, but it’s about basically the same thing. All the different songs are about this dark energy that’s followed me around. And with all the things that were going on last year, me embracing it, running from it, just trying to navigate myself through all the chaos that I was having at that time.”
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