Judas Priest julkaisee oman kahvin

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 1.4.2015

Judas Priest 2015Englantilainen heavy metallin legenda, Helsingin jäähallissa torstaina 4. päivä kesäkuuta konsertoiva Judas Priest on lanseerannut oman ”British Steel” kahvin. Kahvin lanseerannut Dark Matter Coffee on julkaissut asiaan liittyen seuraavanlaisen tiedotteen:

”The Great Halls of Metal were fashioned by JUDAS PRIEST — in their studs and leather with everything faster, heavier — guitars, amps, power — blazing around the planet — higher, louder… SOARING in EPIC PROPORTIONS! Their all-out sonic attack cemented their place as the firebrand for British heavy metal.

”Does anything cut as deep as ’British Steel’? NO! The songs comprising this landmark record yielded both monumental commercial success, capturing the attention of the broader uninitiated … while also producing anthems to those already deeply enmeshed in a turbo charged new genre. PRIEST unleashed this razor sharp maelstrom onto the collective consciousness and we’ve thankfully never been the same since! Instantly recognizable for their peerless attack, the fuel for this inexorable juggernaut must be both ebullient and unremitting. The brewed crude sparkles cup after cup, sin after sin. Death to false coffee.”

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Judas Priest kahvi 2015

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