Judas Priest siirtynyt studioon kirjoittamaan jatkoa ”Redeemer Of Souls” -albumilleen
Englantilainen heavy metal -legenda Judas Priest on siirtynyt studioon kirjoittamaan jatkoa vuonna 2014 ilmestyneelle ”Redeemer Of Souls” -albumilleen. Voit katsoa yhtyeen Facebookkiin julkaiseman päivityksen aiheesta tästä:
Yhtyeen vokalisti Rob Halford on hiljattaisessa haastattelussa kommentoinut tulevan albumin alustavaa aikataulua seuraavasti:
”We finished [the ’Redeemer Of Souls’] tour, this big world tour, just before the holidays in December, and we’re about to start writing sessions pretty much now. And that’s great. Oh, man, I can’t wait to get into the writing zone again. That, to me, [is] one of the most thrilling moments for me personally in PRIEST. You go into a room with some amps, and turn the amps on, start riffing and boom, you could have another amazing PRIEST song by the end of the day. I love that part of being in PRIEST. So that’s the next step — writing sessions, get some really good, solid PRIEST material ready, and then, you know, Scott [Travis, drums] and Ian [Hill, bass] come in and we jam and we start putting the songs together. Like always, it’ll be ready when it’s ready, but there was already an extraordinary amount of ideas collected throughout that tour. So I’m optimistic that we should have something ready by… probably not by the end of this year, but definitely by the early part of next year.”
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