Judas Priest - Rockfest 2018.

Judas Priestilla suunnitelmissa esiintyä livenä Rock & Roll Hall Of Famen seremoniassa

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 4.10.2022

Englantilainen heavy metal -legenda Judas Priest saa ”Musical Excellence Awardin” marraskuun 5. päivä järjestettävässä Rock & Roll Hall Of Famen seremoniassa Microsoft Theaterissa Los Angelesissa Kalifornian osavaltiossa. Yhtyeen rumpali Scott Travis on paljastanut tuoreessa Rocker Morning Show:n haastattelussa yhtyeen aikovan soittaa seremonian yhteydessä lavalla medleyn, joka koostuu bändin omista suosikkikappaleista yhtyeen tuotannosta. Travis kertoi yhtyeen suunnitelmista seuraavaa:

“…They give you a limited amount of time ’cause there’s obviously lots of artists that are gonna be performing. So they gave us a set amount of time to perform. And we decided we’re gonna try and work in a medley and do some of the Priest classics and put ’em all into a medley, which we’ve never done before. So it should be interesting.”

Travis kertoi haastattelussa olevansa innoissaan Judas Priestin nimityksestä ja kertoi siitä seuraavaa:

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“Naturally, it’s a super honor. I always felt that Priest would get in eventually, only because you can’t have something called the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame and not have Judas Priest in it. So there were a couple of events prior to this year where we were nominated — I think that’s the right word; I’m not sure — but we were in the running. And we didn’t quite get in, but I was always confident. Priest will get in eventually, and same thing with some of the bands that aren’t in yet — they will get in. But yeah, it’s a super honor. And there’s nothing else you can say about it, really. It’s pretty cool.”