Judas Priestin entinen kitaristi lanseerasi oman hajuveden

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 11.12.2014

KK Downing hajuvesi 2014Englantilaisen heavy metal -yhtye Judas Priestin entinen kitaristi KK Downing on lanseerannut oman hajuveden, joka on saanut nimekseen miehelle uskollisesti ”Metal For Men”. Miehen hajuvettä pystyt tilamaan täältä. Voit lukea KK Downingin mietteitä hajuvedestä tästä:

”I think I just woke up one morning and thought of the word ’metal’ and I thought ’metal for men’ and I thought, straight away, I thought, ’What could that relate to?’ And I don’t know why I thought about it, but I thought there’s nothing out there on the market that’s associated with rock and metal fans in respect to fragrances and stuff. And I guess that, combined with my mum asking me continually what I want for Christmas and stuff, and it just came about. And it just so happens I had a friend who had associations with fragrances before, and it came about very, very quickly.”

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