Judas Priest

Judas Priestin Glenn Tipton: ”Tieto Parkinsonin taudista oli todella järkyttävä”

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 25.3.2018
Judas Priest

Englantilaisen heavy metal -legenda Judas Priestin kitaristi Glenn Tipton jättäytyi pois yhtyeen livekokoonpanosta sairastamansa parkinsonin taudin takia. Glenn on nyt antanut sairauteensa liittyen haastattelun Tim ”Hitman” Harttin 105.7 WAPL -radiokanavalla, jossa on kertonut ajasta, jolloin sai tietää sairavastansa parkinsonin tautia. Tieto taudista oli Glennille itselleen järkyttävä ja hän kuvaili kokemusta seuraavasti:

”It’s a weird thing, because I knew something was wrong, but you don’t like to admit it to yourself, and maybe delayed getting it diagnosed. And I was sort of shocked when I was eventually diagnosed and they told me that I’ve had it for over 10 years. And it answered a lot of questions, you know, for me. But… life goes on. There’s a lot of people who are suffering, and you’ve just gotta get on with life and do your best.”

Parkinson´s a pretty cruel disease. It gets you in that way. Some days you have good days, some days you have bad days, and I suppose the older you get, you get more and more bad days. But it’s great to have a goal in life, and my goal in life is to tread water, not sink — swim and just beat it in any way I can. So it’s good to have that ambition in life, that goal, something to aim for. And that’s how I’m approaching it.”

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