Judas Priestin Ian Hill kommentoi musiikin laitonta lataamista

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 6.11.2014

Judas Priest 2014Englantilaisen heavy metallin legendan ja Suomeen ensi kesänä saapuvan Judas Priestin basisti Ian Hill on antanut hiljattain haastattelun Inland Valley Daily Bulletinille, jossa kertoo nykyisen laittoman musiikin lataamisen tekevän nuorten aloittelevien yhtyeiden urasta todella vaikeaa. Voit lukea Ian Hillin kommentit asian tiimoilta tästä:

”It has changed completely since we started 40-odd years ago. Record companies would be prepared to wait for their return on their investment. Now you take some of these pop bands, a guy can be an overnight sensation. In the old days, you would be prepared to work. They would give you an advance, pay for the recording costs and keep the band from starving to death. Not so much these days. The big trouble is illegal downloading. Not so for a band like ourselves and other established acts; we’re established enough to play large venues. It’s hard for these younger bands to get on. The way things are, it’s difficult to make it. Unless you know [former ’American Idol’ judge] Simon Cowell.”

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