Judas Priestin kitaristi Richie Faulker sooloalbumin kimpussa
Englantilaisesta heavy metal -legenda Judas Priestista nykyisin tunnettu kitaristi Richie Faulkner on paljastanut tuoreessa In The Trenches With Ryan Roxie podcastin haastattelussa työstävänsä parhaillaan musiikkia tulevaa sooloalbumiaan varten ja etsivänsä albumille julkaisijaa. Faulkner kertoi omasta korona-ajan projektistaan seuraavaa:
”I haven’t really spoken much about it publicly, but there is something I’ve kind of been [putting] together during the COVID period. I mean, I know we’re still going through it but there’s been a lot of downtime. So I’ve used that time to kind of get some songs I’ve been working on, get them together, polish them up, get some people together that I respect in the music business and record some stuff. And I haven’t spoken a lot about it. It’s in the process of being finalized, and we’re looking for deals and stuff. We’re looking for deals at the moment, we’re looking for record labels, so I don’t wanna get too far ahead of myself.”
Kysymykseen siitä, onko albumilla mukana vierailevia muusikoita, vai onko albumi täysin sooloprojekti, Faulkner vastasi:
”Well, I’ve always been into the band. It’s never been like RICHIE FAULKNER’S RAINBOW or anything like that. I’ve always been into the band — with the band name and the four or five guys or girls in it rather than a solo project. But also, when I joined PRIEST, I didn’t wanna sort of get the gig and then, straight away, ’Oh, now listen to my solo thing.’ PRIEST, they welcomed me in, they gave me a voice, they gave me an opinion, and I felt like this was my band. They’ve made me a part of it and I gave back a thousand percent. So I didn’t wanna sort of then do my own thing and abuse that opportunity, if you know what I mean. But 10 or 11 years in, I feel that fans know that I’m not gonna abuse that opportunity. I’ve given 10, 11, almost 12 years [to PRIEST] now, so I felt, with the pandemic as well, with a bit of downtime, maybe put some stuff into that.”
Kysyttäessä millaista musiikkia sooloalbumilta voi odottaa, kertoo Faulkner seuraavaa:
”As far as stylistically, it’s always hard to tell, really. You just do what you do. You can hear where the roots are, from PRIEST, but I think it’s different enough to be its own monster. And then hopefully someone else interprets it in their own way and hears something completely different to what I hear, hopefully.”
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