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Judas Priestin Rob Halford: ”Heavy metal -kissat ovat parhaita!”

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 16.2.2024

Englantilainen heavy metal -legenda Judas Priest julkaisee seuraavan ”Invincible Shield” -nimisen albuminsa maaliskuun 8. päivä Sony Musicin kautta. Yhtyeen ikoninen keulakuva Rob Halford on tullut vuosien saatossa tunnetuksi suurena kissojen ystävänä ja nyt tuoreessa KLAQ 95.5 FM:n haastattelussa Halford on avannut hieman lisää ajatuksiaan siitä, mikä kissoissa häntä kiehtoo. Voit lukea mitä kerrottavaa Halfordilla oli aiheeseen liittyen tästä:

”I think cats are a perfect choice because they’re fiercely independent. I love that kind of thing where you think you own your cat, but your cat owns you. [Laughs] My great friend Blasko [Robert Nicholson, bassist for OZZY OSBOURNE and ROB ZOMBIE], the bass player, he’s also a cat-mad guy. And then you’ve got all these different Instagram accounts that reference cats as a great place to go and look at and look at and listen to and have fun with. But I just love, again, the variety of different kinds of cats. Cats are like rock and roll. They’re all coming in from different angles and perspectives. The difference between a Persian and a ginger tom cat or a Sphynx cat, they’re just great creatures. But I think that more than anything, I just love the independence. I just love the independence that a cat will show constantly when you have them. And they’re beautiful creatures.”

”To have any animal in your life as a person, to have a relationship with an animal is a truly beautiful blessing. Some people — cats become their kids, dogs become your kids, and that’s how it should be because they’re a family member. So there’s all that, and then there’s all the other great things that are connected to that world.

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”I’m a big supporter of the late ’Price Is Right’ [host and animal advocate] Bob Barker, [who always reminded audiences to have their pets] spayed or neutered, I’m a big believer in that. I’ve hooked up with Kitten Rescue in Los Angeles. The ladies there do a wonderful job doing the great work that they do. You can go to KittenRescueLA on the Instagram. There’s a great opportunity to see the good work that they do. And anybody that really looks after animals should be acknowledged.

”So, there’s my thing with cats,” Rob added. ”I love them. I don’t have one at the moment. My last cat passed away from one of those horrible things that cats get. But cats are in my heart and, yeah, heavy metal cats, they rule.”

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