Judas Priestin Rob Halford kommentoi Ozzy Osbournen terveysongelmia tuoreessa haastattelussa: ”Toivon meidän pääsevän tien päälle pian taas yhdessä”

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 18.2.2019

Englantilaisen heavy metal -legenda Judas Priestin oli tarkoitus kuluttaa vuoden 2019 alku Euroopan-kiertueella Ozzy Osbournen kanssa mutta pimeyden prinssin terveysongelmat johtivat lopulta kiertueen siirtymiseen syksylle. Yhtyeen legendaarinen laulaja Rob Halford on kommentoinut Ozzyn terveysongelmia tuoreessa Australialaisen Heavyn haastattelussa toteamalla toivovansa Ozzyn paranevan pian jotta bändit pääsisivät keikkailemaan taas yhdessä. Halford kertoi Ozzysta seuraavaa:

”We love Ozzy to death. Oh my God! When you say ’Ozzy,’ your head is full of this remarkable man’s career and all the wonderful things he’s done for rock and roll, for metal. He’s touched so many millions of people’s lives, and we’re really, really happy that he’s recovering.

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”It’s gonna be fantastic — isn’t it? — when we’re all together again.”

”Life is life. And you do what you can to deal with the adversity that puts itself in your path. We’re going through that with Glenn [Tipton, JUDAS PRIEST guitarist]. Let me just rephrase that — Glenn’s going through that himself with his great battle against Parkinson’s [disease] that he’s dealing with. And he’s a wonderful example — a really, really strong, powerful example — of somebody that’s fighting back and pushing back and still living an active life with this challenge.

”Glenn comes out and joins us when he can. He’s still an active, full member of JUDAS PRIEST. If he’s not able to make [the upcoming] Download [festival appearances in Australia], he’s with us in spirit, in the songs that he’s written, and he’s up on the big screen.

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”So, yeah, it is what it is. We’re all getting on. But we’re absolutely determined to keep going and live our lives in metal and share it with our fans.”