Judas Priestin Rob Halford paljastaa bändin saaneen albumin verran musiikkia kirjoitettua ennen koronapandemian puhkeamista

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 27.9.2020

Englantilaisen heavy metal -legenda Judas Priestin laulaja Rob Halford julkaisee uuden ”Confess”-nimisen elämäkertansa ensi viikolla Hachette Booksin kautta. Halford on antanut elämäkerrastaan NME:lle haastattelun, jossa hän on paljastanut, että bändi sai valmiiksi albumin verran uutta musiikkia ennen koronapandemian puhkeamista. Halford kertoi tulevasta albumista seuraavaa:

”As far as Priest goes, we already have a strong selection of songs — practically a complete album — to go when we’re able to reconvene at some point. But we need to do a lot more work on it before we even get to the full production stage yet.”

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Yhtyeen tulevalla albumilla tullaan lisäksi kuulemaan jälleen kitarointia bändistä vuonna 2018 parkinsonin taudin vuoksi pois jättäytyneeltä kitaristilta Glenn Tiptonilta. Halford kertoi haastattelussa Glennin tämän hetkisestä tilasta seuraavaa:

”He’s a wonderfully strong, beautiful man. And before this horrible pandemic closed everything down, we were working over at Glenn’s, writing material for the next Priest album, which will come out when it’s ready; we still have a long ways to go. But we were there, and Glenn was making contributions. He can still play the guitar, albeit in his own particular way.

Parkinson’s is a really cruel, terrible, horrible thing to happen to anybody —to see the physical debilitation that it creates. But your brain is still there — you’re still functioning as a person. But in a guitar sense, it’s very, very difficult to play anything anymore. But like we [say] on this great song on the last Priest album, Firepower. ’No Surrender’. You don’t give in. You fight, fight, fight, and that’s what Glenn’s doing right now.

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Incidentally, he has this wonderful Glenn Tipton Parkinson’s Foundation. We’ve raised hundreds of thousands of pounds for Glenn over the years, and we’re still continuing to do that. Some of the advances that they have in Parkinson’s now are extraordinary, but the funds and the finance to keep searching are vital.

But he’s doing great. He’s beautiful. I can’t to see him again and give him a hug.”