Judas Priestin Rob Halford tulevasta ”Confess”-elämäkerrastaan: ”Se tulee varmasti shokeeraamaan jotain ihmisiä”
Englantilaisen heavy metal -legenda Judas Priestin ikoninen keulakuva Rob Halford julkaisee ”Confess”-nimisen elämäkerran syyskuun 29. päivä Hachette Booksin kautta. Halford on antanut hiljattain Sonic Perspectivesille kirjaansa liittyvän haastattelun, jossa hän on kertonut, että kirja on erittäin avoin ja suora kuvaus hänen elämästään. Elämäkerta tulee varmasti shokeeraamaan osaa sen lukijoista. Halford kertoi kirjansa teosta haastattelussa seuraavasti:
”That’s a really great question. When I was sitting with [co-writer] Ian [Gittins, who also co-wrote The New York Times bestseller ’The Heroin Diaries’ by Nikki Sixx], I was very open and honest. It just flows out of me. Being clean and sober for 30 years, I don’t lie anymore, nor do I hold anything back. I like people to be the same towards me.
”I don’t doubt for one minute that some people will be shocked by what’s in ’Confess’. This is my life, and me telling you all the important parts of it. It’s up to you to decide how to interrupt and utilize it.
”Going one step further, when I was having these long sessions with Ian, I would stop and go, ’Why did I say that?’ particularly with some of the family incidents. I really had to let that go.
”The book isn’t even out yet, and I think about it nearly every day,” he continued. ”I have to find a commonplace, because I am exposing parts of my life, which some people will be quite shocked. That’s not my intent.
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyy”When you are confessing, it’s exactly what you are doing. To protect certain individuals, we just changed their names out of respect.
”It’s crazy — some days I feel great that it’s all out there. Some days I would like to rewrite a paragraph or part all over.
”I’m sure I’m not the first person who has made this kind of book.
”Quite frankly, if I weren’t feeling that way, I would think there is something wrong with me.
”I’m a very emotional person. I’m still trying to find a settled place. That is why these interviews are good for me, as I can talk things out. Talking and communication are so vital to us in life, especially when we are trying to figure things out.”