Judas Priestin Rob Halford työstää parhaillaan materiaalia tulevaa blues-albumiaan varten
Englantilaisen heavy metal -legenda Judas Priestin ikoninen keulakuva Rob Halford kertoi viime vuoden toukokuussa antamassaan haastattelussa, että rakastaa blues-musiikkia ja kertoi työstävänsä myös bluesiin liittyvää sooloalbumia. Nyt Halford on tuoreessa 102.3 WBAB:n haastattelussa kertonut työstävänsä albumiaan innoissaan samalla kokoonpanolla jolla julkaisi myös joulualbuminsa ”Celestialin” vuonna 2019. Halford kertoi rakkaudestaan blues-musiikkiin sekä innostuksestaan tulevaa sooloalbumiaan kohtaan seuraavaa:
”I love the blues. Without the blues, we wouldn’t have rock and roll. The blues was born here in the United States and then slowly mutated into all these incredible styles and different dynamics and variations. Man, I think back to those originators, like Little Richard, Bill Haley, the anchor of the blues like Howlin’ Wolf, Muddy Waters, Bessie Smith, all these great people. So I was listening to those great performers as I was growing up as a kid. I love the blues, man. And I think most metal musicians would acknowledge the blues for playing such an important role.”
”So, here’s the deal. I made a Christmas album with my brother and my nephew and some friends recently called ’Celestial’, and while we were there, I was saying to the guys, ’I’ve got this thing about knocking around some blues ideas.’ And that’s all the guys needed. So they went away while I’ve been busy with PRIEST and we put together a substantial amount of material. And when I find time, we’re gonna bang it out. I’d love us to play in a room live together, ’cause they’re really talented. My brother is a drummer. My nephew is a bass player; he’s the son of the great bass god, Ian Hill [of JUDAS PRIEST]. And then we’ve got J.B. [Jon Blakey] on guitar, who was with us on ’Celestial’. So we’re gonna keep it simple. But I’m excited. I’ve got all the stuff on my phone, like we do — that’s a danger — and I listen to it, and I get stoked about the possibility. So it’ll happen eventually, I’m sure.”
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Halfordin tulevan sooloalbumin julkaisun ajankohta ei ole vielä selvillä. Tulevan albumin lyriikoista Halford kertoi haastattelussa seuraavaa:
”The blues is the blues. We all feel the blues, but you can have the happy blues as well as the sad blues, and you can have all of these characters in blues. The opportunities for stories for some of them, similar to the PRIEST inventions of fantasy, like the Sentinel or the Painkiller or any of those great characters that were created. You can throw your lyrics wherever you wanna throw them if they’re connecting with the music.
”Messages in music are vital, ’cause we like to hear stories that we can relate to or attach ourselves to, in reality or in fantasy,” he continued. ”So that’s gonna be an adventure for me. I love to sit down with a pencil and a piece of paper, ’cause that’s how I do it, and just think. I have an idea, and I just throw some bullet words down instantly, and that’s how the seeds start to grow.”