Judas Priestin Rob Halford vertaa bändin seuraavan albumin kappaleita yhtyeen ikoniseen ”Painkiller”-albumiin

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 30.10.2020

Englantilainen heavy metal -legenda Judas Priest työstää parhaillaan musiikkia seuraavaa albumiaan varten. Bändin on tarkoituksena kokoontua yhteen kaiken kaikkiaan kolme tai neljä kertaa albumia kirjoittamaan, ja yhtyeellä on nyt jo kasassa albumin verran musiikki,a vaikka bändi ehti tavata vain kerran ennen koronapandemian puhkeamista.

Yhtyeen laulaja Rob Halford on nyt Talking Metalin tuoreessa haastattelussa verrannut joitakin tulevan albumin kappaleita ikoniseen ”Painkiller”-albumiin. Halford kertoi levyn tämän hetkisestä tilanteesta seuraavaa:

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”We had some great writing sessions at the start of this year back in the U.K. at Glenn’s [Tipton, guitar] setup, his studio. And, man, it was boundless opportunities that were coming out of those writing sessions. We did a lot of demos. I’ve got pretty much an [album’s worth] of [new] Judas Priest [material] on this phone right now. And it’s just amazing.

I’ve gotta give a shoutout to the fans, as we always do. We can’t be who we are without you guys looking after us and giving us the inspiration and the motivation. Because we came off that ’Firepower’ tour so energized, and we still were feeling that when we started the writing sessions early this year, and we got a lot of work done.

On average, we usually have three or four big writing sessions of a month or so at a time. And so we got the first one down, and we’ve got a lot of material. It’s incredibly fierce. I think that energy was just being channeled, especially from Richie. Some of his riffs and some of the core of the songs, they’re absolutely lethal. I feel textures of the ’Painkiller’ experience in some of the songs, and the classic elements again. It’ll have its own legs, like they all do — they’ve all got their own character. And I think whatever this album is called and whenever it’s released, it’ll be another great metal milestone for Judas Priest.”

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