Jumala rakastaa Kornia

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 12.7.2013

Korn 2013Yhdysvaltalaisen rockia soittavan Kornin kitaristi Brian “Head” Welch on hiljattain Loudwirelle kirjoittamassaan blogissa kertonut, että on saanut paljon palautetta uskovaisilta liittyen hänen hiljattaiseen liittymiseen takaisin Korniin. Head on kuitenkin tullut siihen lopputulokseen, että Jumala rakastaa Kornia, koska se on todella tunteellista sekä rehellistä musiikkia. Lue lisää nähdäksesi Headin mietteitä asian tiimoilta. 

“Speaking of God, I was getting some crap from a few Christians that were commenting online that KoRn weren’t “honoring The Lord” in their music. There was a time when I didn’t think God would be very into KoRn’s music and lifestyle, but I’ve learned that He loves everyone where they’re at. And I know God loves KoRn’s music because its passionate and very honest. I just trip out on these people that have the balls to judge people so harshly with their negative, hateful attitudes. It’s crazy how bold people are online. Not one person has come with their negative attitudes to my face. Luckily, most of the Christians are cool and “get it.” I only have to deal with a small number of knuckleheads.”

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