K.K. Downing katkerana: ”Tuntuu kuin minut olisi kloonattu lavalle”

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 5.10.2018

Englantilaisen heavy metal -legenda Judas Priestin entinen kitaristi K.K. Downing julkaisi syyskuun 18. päivä omaelämäkerran nimeltä ”Heavy Duty: Days And Nights In Judas Priest” Da Capo Pressin kautta. K.K. on antanut kirjaansa liittyen hiljattain Appetite For Distortion -nimiselle podcastille haastattelun, jossa on kertonut tuntevansa Judas Priestin nykyisen kitaristin, Richie Faulknerin, olevan kuin kloonattu nuorempi versio itsestään. K.K. kertoi haastattelussa Richie Faulknerista seuraavaa:

”Richie, as far as I know, is a nice guy and obviously an excellent player. I was a bit disappointed when, basically… I think the idea was to replace me [with a lookalike], so I did feel as though I was kind of being cloned. But I’m not sure that was exactly fair to Richie. I mean, I could be off the mark here, but I think Richie had the right to bring himself to the stage with his own… portray his own image and ability to play the instrument the way that he does. But it is what it is.”

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When Glenn [Tipton] retired from touring [earlier this year], the same didn’t happen — obviously, [Tipton’s replacement] Andy [Sneap] doesn’t look anything like Glenn; he doesn’t wear the same clothes, the red pants, guitars or anything like that. So I don’t really know what’s going on. But it is what it is.

I know Andy quite well and worked with him before and consider him a friend and a great talent. And the guys seem to be pretty comfortable with what they’re doing now, and I would encourage everybody to… if you get a chance to see PRIEST whenever they can, go out there and support the mighty PRIEST in whatever format they may be in.”

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