Kanadan poliisi pahoittelee uhkailtuaan rattijuoppoja Nickelbackin musiikilla

Kirjoittanut Minttu Koskinen - 8.12.2016

Nickelback -promokuvaUutisoimme hiljattain kuinka Kanadan provinssin, Prinssi Edwardin saaren konstaapeli Rob Hartlen oli Facebook-päivityksessään uhannut rattijuoppoja Nickelbackin musiikilla. Päivitys varoitti, että kaikki joulupyhinä pysäytetyt rattijuopot päätyisivät poliisiautoon kuuntelemaan Nickelbackin tuotantoa. Viestiin oli liitetty kuva yhtyeen ”Silver Side Up” -albumista, jotta varoitus otettaisiin vakavasti. Nyt viestin julkaissut Hartlen pahoitteli humoristista ideaansa, joka levisi maailmanlaajuiseksi uutiskevennykseksi. Mies huomasi kuinka viestin vakavaksi haluttu rattijuoppous sivutettiin ja bändiin kohdistuvaa pilkkaa korostettiin. Hän poisti aiemman viestin Kensingtonin poliisin Facebook-sivuilta ja julkaisi uuden pahoitteluviestin. ”Rakastamme bändiä tai rakastamme bändin vihaamista”, mies kommentoi, joka onkin yksi syy aiheen huomion saamiselle. Hän otti itse yhteyttä Nickelbackin jäseniin ja pahoitteli tekstiään. Facebook-viestissä konstaapeli Hartlen perusteli anteeksipyyntöään seuraavasti:

”At the time I thought this was a great idea, all pure intentions, get the message out .. type type type .. click…and post. There. All done.

“Well, as we have seen, our little post became an international story. And somewhere in the noise, the message of Don’t Drink and Drive was overshadowed by negativity towards the band I said I would play if you did. At first I admit I was fine with the way I worded the post. I was sure a hugely successful band would be fine with a little good will shade thrown their way, after all it’s for a good cause.

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“But the more successful the post became the less the Don’t Drink and Drive message was mentioned and the fact we love or love to hate Nickelback took centre stage. And that prompted me to think less about Nickelback as the ’Entity’ and more about the 4 guys, 4 human beings from Alberta who were dragged into this international story. And the more I thought about that the less funny the humour seemed.”

After going into detail about how he was “stunned” that the post was accused of making light of Drink Driving, Constable Hartlen added: “I am sorry to Chad, Ryan, Mike and Daniel. Not as just members of Nickelback, but more importantly as fellow Canadians. I’m sorry guys because I didn’t take a moment to think of you AS just guys. Having to watch as media around the world takes a pot shot at you and having no way to defend yourself. I didn’t take a moment to think of your families as news agency after news agency used their loved ones as a punchline.

“I didn’t take a moment to think that you guys were the ones that stepped up first to the plate when other Canadians in Fort Mac needed help. I didn’t take a moment to think that you were the ones that give not only money to hundreds of charities but you routinely give that all important currency, time. You guys share so much with so many and I truly feel bad for using that the way I did. It was not my intention, It was not my desire but it was the outcome and I have to own that. So for that I am sorry.”

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Alkuperäinen päivitys sisälsi oheisen viestin:

“When we catch you – and we will – on top of a hefty fine, criminal charge and a year’s driving suspension, we will also provide you with a bonus gift of playing the office’s copy of Nickelback in the cruiser on the way to jail.”

“We figure if you’re foolish enough to get behind the wheel after drinking, then a little Chad Kroeger and the boys is the perfect gift for you.”

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