Killswitch Engage -kaksikon luotsaama Times Of Grace -projekti saanut valmiiksi seuraavan albuminsa
Yhdysvaltalaisesta metalcore-yhtyeestä Killswitch Engagesta tunnetut kitaristi Adam Dutkiewicz ja laulaja Jesse Leach ovat saaneet valmiiksi yhteisen projektinsa Times Of Gracen seuraavan albumin. Jesse Leach on paljastanut asian tuoreessa Mosh Talks With Beezin videohaastattelussa ja kertonut kaksikon nauhoittaneen kokonaisen albumin lisäksi myös EP:n verran uutta musiikkia.
Jesse Leach kertoi albumin tilanteesta seuraavaa:
”The Times of Grace record is done. We have enough songs for a full-length record and then enough songs for an EP afterwards, if we choose to… We’ve decided to separate the two batches of songs. It’s done and done, and I’m extremely proud of it, and I think it’s probably the best record that Adam and I have ever done in our careers. Not only because it’s something we’re proud of lyrically and what it stands for, and it’s much different from the first record — I just think because it’s diverse. It shows a little bit more of a rock side, a little bit more of a stoner, post-metal side, it shows more blues. It gave us freedom to just do whatever we wanted to do. That, and Adam took the reins on… I wanna say half the record is him leading and half is me, and then we come together on songs. So you’re gonna hear a lot more of Adam’s creativity in his voice. And I wrote a couple of songs that he sang, and he brought a whole different light to it. So I’m extremely proud of that.”
Kysyttäessä, julkaistaanko albumi vielä tämän vuoden aikana, Jesse Leach kertoi olevansa toiveikas sen suhteen. Hän kertoi julkaisuaikataulusta seuraavaa:
”I hope so. We’re pacing ourselves. We’re trying to be smart with how we’re gonna put it out, how we’re gonna present it. The last record, there was a lot of visuals to accompany the record. I wanna make sure we roll it out in a very sort of artistic way. I want nothing more than people to get the chills on their arm and the back of their neck when they get that first taste of what we’re going for. So we’re working diligently behind the scenes. We’re gonna find a home on a record label. We’re gonna do it independently, but it must be to a certain standard. Hell, we’ve waited this long to put this thing out, so we’re gonna make sure when we roll it out, it’s exactly how we want it to be rolled out, with the artwork and the feel and the vibe. I just want it to be something so different and hopefully refreshing to the music community, something that people don’t see coming. We’ll see what happens.”
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