Killswitch Engage vokalisti kommentoi omaa Times Of Grace projektiaan

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 2.5.2014

Killswitch EngageYhdysvaltalaisen metalcorea soittavan Killswitch Engagen vokalisti Jesse Leach on julkaissut Youtubessa uuden videon, jossa hän vastailee fanien esittämiin kysymyksiin. Uusimmalla videolla mies kommentoi omaa Times Of Grace -nimistä yhtyettään, joka on jäänyt jäihin hänen omista velvollisuuksistaan Killswitch Engagea kohtaan. Lue lisää nähdäksesi Jessen viesti asiaan liittyen.

“Obviously right now it’s on a pretty big hiatus because of Killswitch. But we’re definitely moving forward with it. I know that there were about three songs that Adam said he’s got in the works, which I believe were leaning towards the more acousticy, bluesy side of things. We talked about moving forward and doing that. Sort of getting away from the typical sound that people expect from us, and pushing ourselves in a different direction. So maybe do some acousticy stuff, and then do some more… songs like “End Of Eternity” or “End Of Days” where it’s a little more epic and slower with ‘post metal’ undertones to it. The future is unwritten with that project, but it’s still something that Adam [and I] have in our hearts and our minds.”

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