Killswitch Engage

Killswitch Engagen basisti paljastaa – 17 biisiä tehtynä tulevalle albumille

Kirjoittanut Milja Linna - 3.4.2019

Yhdysvaltalaisen metalcoren lippulaivoihin lukeutuvan Killswitch Engagen basisti Mike D’Antonio jutteli yhtyeen tulevasta albumista kalifornialaisessa Wired in the Empire -radio-ohjelmassa Radioactiven radiotoimittajan Mike Z:n kanssa. Basisti paljastaa, että yhtye on jo äänittänyt jopa varastoon asti kappaleita tulevalle albumilleen, joka ilmestyy vuoden 2019 aikana Metal Blade Recordsin kautta. Mike D’Antonio kertoo albumin tilanteesta seuraavaa:

”It’s been recorded. We actually recorded too many songs. It kind of threw Jesse [Leach, vocals] for a bit of a loop. We had, like, 22, 21 songs that we actually completed all the music for except for vocals, and then it was time to sit down and do it, and it, like, fried his brain.  It took a little while longer to write the record and finish the record. I think we did, like, maybe 17 tunes with vocals, and there are still a few left over that we’re going to save for a little bit later. The record’s not going to have that many, for sure. We’ll have some extras to play with and figure out something to do [with them]. We’ve narrowed down the track listing; we are mixing now; and all systems [are] go to get it out for 2019.”

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