Killswitch Engagen Jesse Leach mielenterveysongelmistaan: ”Taistelen yhä sitä vastaan”
Yhdysvaltalainen metalcorea soittava Killswitch Engage on julkaisemassa seuraavan albuminsa elokuun lopussa Metal Blade Recordsin kautta. Yhtyeen laulaja Jesse Leach on antanut Cutter’s Rockcastille hiljattain haastattelun, jossa hän on kertonut mielenterveysongelmien yhä vaivaavan häntä. Haastattelijan kysyessä, mitä hän haluaisi itse sanoa ihmiselle, jolla on ongelmia mielenterveyden kanssa, kertoi Jesse omista ongelmistaan seuraavaa:
”Anyway you can to let people know you need help. The conversation is so important and that feeling again of you’re not alone, that is so important because I think one of the biggest causes of suicide is feeling alone, feeling like people won’t understand. There’s always somebody out there. There’s somebody out there who probably has it even worse than you do and really drop some knowledge on you and change your whole entire perspective. That’s happened to me a few times. It continues to be something I struggle with; it’s not going away. That doesn’t mean you don’t continue to talk about it and continue to push through that uncomfortableness that you may feel or that awkwardness, and that’s it for me. The only alternative to that is you take yourself out, honestly, man. I have friends who have done it and it kills me because they know I’m there for them, but you have to sort of own it within yourself. You have to learn tools to know how to ask for help and not everybody has that. Getting therapy is really good. Taking the right pills or whatever gets you through, whether it’s medical marijuana or whatever the case may be. I’m an advocate for any of that stuff — whatever gets the job done and helps you feel like you’re getting help and you’re less alone.”
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