Killswitch Engagen Jesse Leach: ”Pitäkää mielipiteenne Chesterista ja Linkin Parkista omananne ja antakaa omaisten surra!”

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 21.7.2017

Yhdysvaltalisen metalcorea soittavan Killswitch Engagen laulaja Jesse Leach on julkaissut omassa Instagramissaan kirjoituksen liittyen Linkin Parkin menehtyneeseen laulajaan Chester Benningtoniin. Jesse on kirjoituksessaan ihmetellyt vihaajien asennetta haukkua Chesteria sekä tämän yhtyettä sen sijaan, että antaisivat omaisille rauhan surra läheisensä poismenoa. Voit lukea kirjoituksen tästä:

Appalled by the lack of sympathy or respect by some for a human (who happens to be a musician) who died tragically. The fact that anyone would have the audacity to critique or comment on his music on the day we learn of his passing is beyond me. We "get it" you're very cool you didn't like what you saw as "unhip music." What a desensitized disgusting and selfish way to present yourself. Take your opinion and shove it up your pretentious ass. A fellow musician committed suicide today and all I can think of is his family and friends. Mental illness is rampant in the artistic community. We should be addressing this tragedy with respect, compassion and grief that is all. Keep your unwarranted options to yourself and allow his friends and family to grieve. Just because he was in the public eye gives you no right to judge his life or music at this time. Show some class please. My condolences to the family of Chester Bennington. May he find peace in the next life/world what have you.

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