Killswitch Engagen laulaja Jesse Leach leikkaukseen äänihuulistaan

Toukokuussa Iron Maidenin kanssa Suomessa kahden keikan verran esiintyvän Killswitch Engagen laulaja Jesse Leach on joutunut leikkaukseen äänihuuliensa takia. Jesse tulee toipumaan ennen yhtyeen Euroopan-kiertuetta. Voit lukea yhtyeen Bändi on julkaissut aiheesta seuraavan viestin:
”Earlier today we found out Jesse [Leach, vocals] needs to have surgery to repair an issue with his vocal cords. He is expected to make a full recovery and be fine for any future touring, but to avoid any future risk, we, unfortunately, have to pull off these dates now. Our intention is to postpone the headline shows in Sayreville, Louisville, Cleveland and Poughkeepsie and get back to our fans as soon as possible. New dates for those cities will be announced soon, so please hold on to your tickets. In the meantime, our friends in HATEBREED and THE WORD ALIVE still plan on coming to Louisville, Kentucky on May 1 for a separate show at Trixie’s. Show them your support.”
Jesse Leach puolestaan on kommentoinut asiaa Instagramissa seuraavasti:
”Monday afternoon, my vocal surgery will take place.
”It’s been a rough couple of weeks for me mentally. After being completely silent for over a week, having massive amounts of prednisone and spending time in doctors’ offices… it’s official: I have to go under the knife.
”I’ve overused my voice to the point where I’ve developed a polyp that will not just go away; it needs to be removed.
”I’m very grateful to Dr. Scott Kessler and Dr. Woo Peak for all of their wisdom and care. I’m also grateful to my managers for being incredible support when I was losing my damn mind over this. Thankful for my brothers in KILLSWITCH for understanding and having my back.
”I’m looking forward to spending time with Melissa Cross after my recovery and learning to rebuild my technique and ensure this doesn’t happen ever again.
”I’m so grateful to everyone who’s sent me love and support. I’ve been assured this type of surgery happens quite a lot in the world of entertainment and the recovery time is much quicker than it was years ago.
”Lastly, my apologies to all the fans who bought tickets; we will make it up to you! Thank you for understanding and all the love and support you’ve given me and the music I’m blessed to be able to make.
”I’m making the most of my last few days of talking by spending time with people I love.
”It’s going to be a quiet and contemplative few weeks for sure but it’s all part of my journey.
”I will keep you all posted come surgery day and my rehabilitation process. Hell, maybe I can even get footage of the surgery itself to post up?! We’ll see…
”So yeah, now you know.
”Here’s to a successful procedure and a quick recovery.”