Killswitch Engagen rumpali kertoo yhtyeen seuraavasta albumista

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 24.10.2015

Killswitch Engage live 2013Killswitch Engagen rumpali Justin Foley antoi hiljattain Louder Noiselle haastattelun, jossa mies kertoi yhtyeen seuraavasta albumista, biisinkirjoitusprosessista sekä päätöksestä alkaa soittaa uutta ”Strentgh Of The Mind” -kappaletta livenä. Mies mm. kertoi ettei uusi levy tule olemaan läheskään niin nopeatempoinen kuin vuoden 2013 ”Disarm The Descent”. Lue Foleyn kommentit kokonaisuudessaan täältä.

Justin Foleyn mukaan valmisteilla oleva levy tulee olemaan eri tavalla raskas kuin nopeatempoinen edeltäjänsä:

Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeenMainos päättyy
”I’m not sure if it’s completely taken shape yet, but it’s definitely a little different record than last time. Last time, it was really, really fast the whole way through. This one doesn’t have quite the same speed to it, but has a different kind of heaviness to it, I think — a little bit of moodiness to it. I don’t really know how to describe it yet. But it’s coming along, and we’re anxiously awaiting finishing it as well. It’s been awhile.”
Killswitch Engagen biisinkirjoitus lähtee jokaisen bändin jäsenen itsenäisistä kotidemotteluista:
”For the most part, we all demo stuff at home. Everybody writes a bunch of stuff, and we just record it and present it to each other. And from then on, we decide if things sound like they’re finished, or if they need tweaking, or if maybe a riff that someone has works with a riff someone else has, then maybe we’ll combine demos together. That’s kind of what we do. And then, once we get all that straightened out, we make new demos of how those tracks are all coming together, and then from there, you can kind of see where the record’s going.”
Foleyn mielestä uusi ”Strenght Of The Mind” –kappale antaa hyvän kuvan uudesta materiaalista:
”I think that one is a good representation of stuff that we do. But I also think it’s a song that would sound good live. It’s a song that wasn’t crazy, crazy fast, it wasn’t crazy different from any of our stuff, so I think it was a good song to kind of ease into new material. I think live, it was the kind of thing that we could get it to sound tight fairly quickly, which is helpful, ’cause we didn’t have a whole lot of time to get it ready for this tour. So that kind of helped us influence picking that song. So, yeah, so far it’s been going well. I think we’re getting a handle of it.”
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