Killswitch Engagen vokalisti kertoo yhtyeen tulevan albumin lyriikoiden kirjoittamisen olleen hänen koko uransa haastavin projekti

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 30.9.2015

Killswitch EngageYhdysvaltalainen metalcorea soittava Killswitch Engage nauhoittaa tällä hetkellä parhaillaan tulevaa vielä nimeämätöntä albumiaan. Yhtyeen vokalisti Jesse Leach on julkaissut omassa Instagramissaan pitkän viestin liittyen albumin sanoituksien kirjoittamiseen. Jessen mukaan tämän albumin kirjoittaminen on ollut miehelle yksiä tämän hetkisen uran vaikeimpia hetkiä. Voit lukea Jesse Leachin mietteitä aiheesta tästä: 

”Sometimes the weight of the world bears down on me and rests on my shoulders.

”This album has been a real burden on my heart. I’ve rewritten songs 3-4 times over, I’ve lost sleep many nights and I have fought bouts of dark melancholy.

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”To me, writing this record had been one of the most challenging projects for me in my career. At times, I will sit and stare at a blank page and have nothing, no words to describe what I am thinking and feeling.

”To me, expressing a true and honest depiction of myself and the world around me is beyond important in fact to me it is my life.

”As an artist, music is life; it is everything to me. I must attempt do it justice and give back at least a portion of what music has done for me. Music is there for me when no one else is and I owe it everything.

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”This morning, as I sit here to write, I am overwhelmed trying to find words to express my anger for those in this world who use hatred and a self-righteous condescending judgment to control and suppress others.

”We are severely lacking love in this world and it makes me beyond frustrated.

”Who do we think we are? Why do we treat each other this way? I will never understand it.

”I will make it my life’s work to continue to stand in defiance and have my voice heard for compassion and love.

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”’Hatred is a weakness and you become the victim.’ ’It takes so much more strength to be selfless and live in love.’ These are words I wrote and words I strive to live by.

”It is a radical notion to love others in this day an age of violence, war and greed.

”I hope my words resonate and make a difference for this world. It is all I’ve ever wanted for my music.”

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