King Diamond aikoo käyttää koronaviruksen luoman tauon tehden uudet albumit sekä Merfycul Fatelle että King Diamondille

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 9.10.2020

Tanskalaisella heavy metal -legendalla King Diamondilla pitää kiirettä korona-aikana sillä muusikko on valmistelemassa ei yhtä vaan kahta albumia julkaistavaksi todennäköisesti ensi vuonna. King Diamond on antanut haastattelun, jossa on paljastanut hieman tulevaisuuden suunnitelmiaan. Mies on haastattelussa kertonut muuttaneensa hiljattain uuteen taloon mistä löytyy miehen itsensä mukaan akustiikaltaan paras huone, jossa hän on koskaan ollut. Tämän vuoksi Kingilla on erittäin suuret odotukset kummankin tulevan albumin suhteen. Hän kertoi albumeiden teosta uudessa talossaan seuraavaa:

”I’ve recently moved into a new house with a studio upstairs which is the best-sounding room I have ever been in. I have very high expectations for what we are doing now. You can hear on the new [KING DIAMOND] song ’Masquerade Of Madness’ as well that it is back to the old vocal style where anything goes. All vocals are lead vocals in my mind. That’s how it was in the old days. Sometimes you can be talked into leaving the choirs as backing vocals or whatever but that is not how I feel. I will sing a lead and then the next part of that lyric will be sung by a choir to the right, then a choir to the left takes over the next line, where it is always moving around taking on different effects. That is what I love, that craziness, because that makes it even more theatrical to listen to. We are back into that, full blast.”

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Kysyttäessä koska mahdollisesti albumeilta olisi luvassa uutta musiikkia kertoo King Diamond aikovansa soittaa ensi kesänä Mercyful Faten keikoilla livenä ainakin paria uutta kappaletta ja King Diamondin albumia puolestaan odotellaan julkaistavaksi ensi vuonna, jonka jälkeen luvassa on paljon keikkoja ja kiertueita. Hän avasi aihetta seuraavasti:

”Everything has been thrown around by how things have happened obviously. MERCYFUL FATE will be playing live first, doing these European festivals that were supposed to be being played now. We’re in Denmark for rehearsals first and then there are eight or so festivals in Europe, then we have to fly all the gear over to the U.S. to play Las Vegas. There will be a couple of new songs from the MERCYFUL FATE album in the set next summer, which otherwise will just be from the EP, ’Melissa’ and ’Don’t Break the Oath’. Totally old, with a couple new songs added to it. The other side of New Year’s should be the new KING DIAMOND coming out, and then touring, touring, touring till we don’t tour anymore. The virus decides more than we do ourselves, but it’s not a wasted year for us as we can do the albums in our own time without having to book time in someone else’s studio which really I am so glad for. I can get in here at three in the morning and start recording with no one bothering me.”

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