Mercyful Fate - Tuska 2022.

King Diamondin mukaan Mercyful Faten tulevan albumin nimi sekä kansitaide ovat valmiita

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 20.7.2023

Tanskalainen heavy metal -laulaja King Diamond työstää parhaillaan uutta albumia sekä nimikkoyhtyeensä että Mercyful Faten kanssa. Diamond on vierailluit hiljattain Slipknotin perkussionistin Shawn ”Clown” Crahanin The Electric Theater -podcastin vieraana, jossa on kertonut hieman tuoretta tietoa tuleviin albumeihin liittyen. Laulajan mukaan Mercyful Faten tulevan albumin kansitaide sekä nimi ovat nyt selvillä mutta itse albumin teko yhdessä kitaristi Hank Shermannin kanssa on yhä kesken. King Diamondin tuleva ”The Institute” -niminen tupla-albumi on myös yhä kesken ja Diamond työstää sitä yhdessä bändin kitaristin Andy La Rocquen kanssa. Voit lukea mitä kerrottavaa King Diamondilla oli albumeihin liittyen tästä:

”There’s a lot in the works right now. I’m writing with Hank [Shermann, guitar] for MERCYFUL FATE and writing with Andy [La Rocque, guitar] for KING DIAMOND and writing on my own for KING DIAMOND. For KING DIAMOND, it’s an album that’s gonna be called ’The Institute’, which is part one of two; there’ll be two full albums that will be completing that full story. As the title says, it’s gonna be some creepy, weird stuff. And for MERCY, I also have the title, but I’m not giving it out to anybody at the moment. We have the front cover for the new MERCY too. It’s very correct, very right for MERCYFUL FATE. It’s very back to basics.

”For my part with both MERCY and KING DIAMOND — even more KING DIAMOND, I would say — all vocals are gonna be lead vocals again, like they were in the old days for me,” he explained. ”It didn’t matter if it was a choir singing on the right or the left side or whatever; they would still go in and pick up parts of the lyrics to progress the story and so on. So it’s gonna be anything goes with the vocals, for sure — back to the old style. And for MERCY too; it’s gonna be very old-fashioned. Hank is writing very much like the old days. And it’s nice to feel that we can capture that again.

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”So that’s the two albums that are being worked on, that will be done by the time we go out on tour again, I’m sure.”