King Dude

King Dude jättäytyy pois Taaken Pohjois-Amerikan kiertueelta

Kirjoittanut Teemu Hakala - 20.2.2018
King Dude

Suomessakin useampaan kertaan esiintynyt gootti-folkin sanansaattaja King Dude on jättäytynyt pois tulevalta Pohjois-Amerikan kiertueelta pääesiintyjään, norjalaisyhtye Taakeen kohdistuneiden syytöksien vuoksi.

Voit lukea King Duden virallisen viestin aiheesta tästä:

For reasons out of my control, and frankly out of my realm of understanding, I will be removing myself from the tour with Taake. It must be made clear that I am a Luciferian and do not preach hate, nor would I endorse a setting that allows hate to happen. I believe in both personal and spiritual growth as well as the spread of knowledge beyond all sacrifice and at all costs. The banner under which people enter a King Dude concert must be welcoming to all people of all walks of life, race, religion, gender etc. This should go without saying as this has always been the way I have conducted my concerts and I’m not sure why it should change for this tour. I absolutely do not welcome political discourse at my concerts as it has no place there. My concerts are a place that should be a sanctuary for everyone, a place for people to find church without having to go to one.

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Stay tuned here for updates regarding make up shows to all of you. Thanks again for your continued support.

With the Light and Love of Lucifer,

– King Dude

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