Kirk Windstein: ”Tekisin mielummin Downin kanssa seuraavaksi albumin kuin EP:n”
Yhdysvaltalainen stoner metalia soittava Down on piakkoin käynnistämässä juhlakiertuettaan 25 vuotta täyttävän ”NOLA”-albuminsa tiimoilta. Nyt yhtyeeseen paluun tehnyt kitaristi Kirk Windstein on antanut The Metalsucks -podcastille haastattelun, jossa hän on kertonut toivovansa Downin seuraavaksi julkaisevan täyspitkän albumin EP:n sijaan.
Kirk kertoi bändin tulevaisuudesta haastattelussa seuraavaa:
”If we ever did anything as far as writing and recording a record, I’d rather just do a full record. Because with everybody, it becomes easy.
”When I think of a band like KISS, of course, Gene [Simmons] and Paul [Stanley] are main songwriters, but on some of these early albums, you might have nine songs,” he continued. ”Ace [Frehley] would throw one in, or occasionally Peter [Criss]. And it’s easy to write a record when you have a lot of songwriters that can write complete songs, almost.
”What happened with the EP thing is it took so long to do [2007’s] ’Over The Under’ [album] that were kind of, like, ’Man…’ Like I said, it took five or six months of traveling back and forth from L.A. to New Orleans. And I’m totally happy with the way it came out, but I think that was our whole mindset: ’You know what? Why don’t we just do six songs?’ Everybody’s got main riffs on a couple of these songs. We worked together, we put ’em all together, and boom, there you go. So I think that was the whole mindset of that.”
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