Kissin Gene Simmons: ”Levyteollisuus on kuollut uusille bändeille”
Yhdysvaltalaisen teatraalisen rockin legendan Kissin oli määrä kuluttaa vuosi 2020 tien päällä End Of The Road -nimisen jäähyväiskiertueen merkeissä. Kiertue kuitenkin siirtyi koronan vuoksi ensi vuoteen, ja bändi on luvannut soittaa jo julkaistut keikat ennen lopettamistaan. Yhtyeen basisti Gene Simmons antoi kiertueesta vuoden 2019 lopussa Larry Kingille livehaastattelun, jossa pohti myös uusien bändin tulevaisuutta levyteollisuudessa. Simmons kertoo haastattelussa säälivänsä uusia yhtyeitä, koska levyteollisuudella ei ole enää rahaa sijoittaa heihin, ja sen vuoksi bändit joutuvatkin luomaan uransa suurelta osin itse ilman suuremman koneiston tukea. Simmons kertoi haastattelussa nykypäivän levyteollisuudesta seuraavaa:
”I’ve said this 10 years ago, when streaming and downloading and all that stuff was for free. RADIOHEAD, it bears noting, tried to do a brand new record and said to their fans, ’Pay whatever you will.’ It’s interesting to note it hasn’t been done since, ’cause it doesn’t work. If you leave the doors open in a supermarket and say, ’Pay whatever you want,’ people will just go ahead and pay nothing. But it doesn’t work, because people would rather get stuff for free.
My heart goes out to new bands. There’s so much good talent out there that will never get a chance. Right now in the zeitgeist, they think, ’Okay, music industry. I get on ’X Factor’ or ’The Voice’ and I sing, and then I have a career. They have no idea what it means. The other thing is that record companies simply cannot make money.
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyyMy daughter, Sophie, is a huge Spotify writer, singer and all that. She’s written for Rick Ross and Yellow Claw and all these kinds of [artists]. She’s got tons of songs that have been downloaded millions and millions of times. You can download something 10 million times and make a few hundred bucks.
The record industry is dead for new artists. Rock is dead. The last great rock band was the FOO FIGHTERS, and that’s 20 years ago. You can’t name another rock band, because you can’t make a living.
When I first started in ’73, there was still a record industry, and the record company, which we used to talk badly about, was the best friend you ever had — they gave you millions of dollars and tour support and all that, and they only took money back from the records you sold. So you sold records, and then people showed up and got all that live money and the licensing and the merchandising.
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeenMainos päättyyUntil legislators become well educated and understand the nature of the business, they’re unqualified to talk about copyrights or the record industry.”
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