Kissin urasta kertova elokuva Shout It Out Loud ilmestyy vuonna 2024

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 23.3.2023

Tänä vuonna upean uransa niputtavasta teatraalisen rockin legendasta Kissistä tullaan julkaisemaan elämäkertaelokuva vuonna 2024. Yhtyeen manageri Doc McGhee on paljastanut asian tuoreessa The Rock Experience With Mike Brunnin haastattelussa ja kertonut Netflixin ostaneen oikeudet elokuvaan. McGhee kertoi elokuvan tilanteesta seuraavaa:

“We’re just starting it now. We’ve already sold it. [The deal is] already done… So that’s moving along. And that’ll come in ’24.”

Elokuvan ohjaajaksi on valikoitunut Joachim Rønning, joka on ohjannut mm. Kon-Tiki, Maleficent: Mistress Of Evil sekä Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales -elokuvat. Ole Sanders on kirjoittanut elokuvaan juonen. Vuonna 2021 Doc McGhee kertoi elokuvasta seuraavaa:

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“Mark Canton, who is a very, very powerful producer and production company who has the TV series ‘Power’ and ‘Ghost’ and all that stuff, and he was a president of Sony and all that, he’s done 300 films — a really, really great guy — his team and Universal Music and ourselves have partnered up with Joachim Rønning, who is a very sought-after director that did things like ‘Pirates Of The Caribbean’, and ‘Kon-Tiki’ was up for an Academy Award. And the script is about the first four years of Kiss. Basically, it’s before they were famous — it was up to Cadillac High, that kind of thing,” referring to the October 1975 concert Kiss played in a high school gym in Cadillac, Michigan. “And I think it’s a very interesting look at the formation of Kiss, the mindset of how that came about, the social pressure that everybody was in in the ’60s and ’70s that brought something like Kiss to the forefront, that it could actually happen. So it’s a very interesting, and I think it’s a well-written movie. And our partners right now is Netflix. It’ll be a theatrical release, then Netflix.”