Kitaristi Gus G: ”Oli helpotus, että Zakk Wylde valittiin tilalleni Ozzy Osbournen bändiin”

Kirjoittanut Nicole Hellberg - 26.4.2018

Melkein kymmenen vuotta Ozzy Osbournen kitaristina toiminut kreikkalainen Gus G. kertoo olleensa jopa hieman helpottunut tiedosta, ettei hän jatkaisi enää kyseisessä pestissä. Tieto siitä, että Ozzyn kitaristina jatkaa Zakk Wylde, tuli julki vuosi sitten. hiljattain antamassaan haastattelussa Gus G. kertoi näin:

”Honestly, it was a little bit of a relief, because I was just kind of tired of waiting around for all these years, not hearing anything” about potential tours or recording activities. Of course, Ozzy was very busy with Black Sabbath — I understand that — but then in between of all that, there would be all these one-off  shows popping up and I had to make myself available for that. But there was never any… I felt like there was no… I didn’t see stuff coming up for the future, you know? So, as much as I loved being in that band and working with him, in a way, it was a little bit of a dead end for me, speaking personally. Of course, now he’s gonna go on a big tour again and do his farewell thing, and that’s great for him, but it was not a creative thing for me.”

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Gus G:n juuri julkaistun ”Fearless”-sooloalbumin ”Mr.Manson” -kappale oli alunperin tarkoitus tehdä yhteistyössä Ozzyn kanssa, mutta projekti jäi ajatuksen tasolle, selittää Gus G.:

”The original idea for ’Mr. Manson’ was, yeah, to give it to Ozzy. I had the main riff, which was very Sabbath, very ’N.I.B.’ style… Yeah, I wrote it originally with the intention of showing it to him, but, obviously, nothing came out of that. So I had this and a couple of other riffs, actually, on my hard drive for years, just sitting there, and I sent it to Dennis Ward (Pink Cream 69, Unisonic) and I said, ’Hey, listen, this is what happened. I have this.’ And I think he was just inspired by that, and he wrote the lyrics for ’Mr. Manson’.”

Gus G:n sooloprojektilla lauluosuudet ja basistin viran hoitaa siis Dennis Ward, ja rummuista vastaa Evanescence-yhtyeestä tuttu Will Hunt.

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