Kitaristi Ulf Cederlund: ”Emme ole suunnitelleet jatkoa Entombedin suhteen”
Ruotsalaisen death metalia soittavan Entombedin alkuperäisjäsenet esiintyivät hiljattain yhdessä Malmön sinfoniaorkesterin kanssa sekä aiemmin syksyllä Close Up Båten -risteilyllä. Tough Riffs -lehti haastatteli hiljattain kitaristi Ulf ”Uffe” Cederlundia, jolta kysyttiin mahdollisuutta nähdä Entombed Euroopassa. Epävarmana tulevasta hän vastasi:
”We have no plans whatsoever. I’m not sure if we ever will do something again. It depends what turns up. I’m not sure if we’re a band or not. I mean, me, Nicke and Alex are somehow ENTOMBED in my eyes. If we do something again, I really hope that Edvin and Robert are interested again because it worked out so good. I can’t see us on the road again. We’ll see. Right now we have other things to take care of.”
Uffelta kysyttiin tuleeko Entombed tekemään uutta musiikkia, johon hän vastasi:
”We have talked about it but I’m not sure if it’s going to happen. Maybe someday if we have spare time and a lot of ideas for songs. It would be interesting to do it one day. All of us are super busy with other stuff in life, bands, children, work and so on.”
”I don’t think it’s that important to do another ENTOMBED album. I would be happy to keep on playing the ’Clandestine’ album forever, if we do shows.”
Kitaristi vahvisti, että alkuperäinen kokoonpano nauhoitti bändin vanhoja kappaleita uudelleen, mutta niitä ei välttämättä julkaista.
”I guess it was a reason to get together and hang out, to see if we enjoyed hanging out, etcetera,” he explained.
Ulf Cederlund on aloittanut sooloporjektin nimeltä Ulf Cedelund and the Swarm of Souls ja julkaissut Bandcampin kautta ”Alone Again”-, ”Incinerator”- sekä ”Decisions” -kappaleet. Sooloprojektistaan Ulf kertoi:
”I realized how hard it is to get together with friends, find the time to have bands. It’s work, families, dogs, laundry and so on.
”I always write music and I saw on my music files that ’the new song’ was, like, three years old, I hate that. I want things to happen fast when I write. That’s why I decided to ’go solo.'”
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyy”I play everything. I used to play the drums back in the ’80s, [and] have not played drums since, but I thought, ’Fuck it! I can do whatever I want to.’ I don’t care if it sounds lame; it’s honest.
”My friend Jocke (WOLFBRIGADE) has a studio and we like to hang out. It’s real fun.
”I have no rules. I do what I want to. Any kind of music influences me, and I want to be creative.
”I want my music to be free, [but] some people pay anyway.
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyy”I write all music in my head and I start building them in the studio. That makes it interesting for me. I never know what will happen.”
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