Klaus Meine: ”Scorpions on edistynyt hyvää tahtia tulevan albumin kanssa”

Saksalaisen rockyhtyeen Scorpionsin piti olla parhaillaan soittamassa keikkaputkea Las Vegasissa, mutta koronaviruksen vuoksi yhtyeen suunnitelmat niin uuden albumin kirjoittamisen kuin keikkailun suhteen menivät kertaheitolla uusiksi. Yhtyeen laulaja Klaus Meine on nyt antanut Pat’s Soundbytes Unpluggedille videohaastattelun, jossa hän on paljastanut yhtyeen saaneen tulevaa albumiaan edistettyä hyvin koronaviruksesta riippumatta. Meine on kertonut haastattelussa kokoontuneensa koko toukokuuksi studion uumeniin Hannoverissa yhdessä Rudolf Schenkerin ja Matthias Jabsin kanssa kirjoittamaan tulevaa albumia, joka on edistynyt miehen omien sanojen mukaan hyvin. Meine on paljastanut levyn tuottajan Greg Fidelmanin osallistuneen albumin tekoon Zoomin kautta, ja bändi on pystynyt modernin tekniikan avulla tekemään levyä eteenpäin. Albumin tämänhetkisestä tilanteesta Meine kertoi seuraavaa:
”Right now, we were supposed to be in Las Vegas to play a residency at Planet Hollywood. And we were so excited about this plan. And since, in 2020, we are focusing on making a new album, the plan was to go to Los Angeles in May and June to work with our producer Greg Fidelman, who used to work with all those great bands like Metallica and Slipknot. So we wanted to be in L.A. in May and June, and then go over to Vegas, play the shows. And for the off days, we booked a studio in Vegas already for the guitar players to go in and lay some tracks down and then maybe go back to L.A. in August. So now we’re here, we’re stuck in the lockdown and we’re stuck in Germany, and it’s not so easy. It’s pretty crazy. But the good thing is, through this Zoom thing, there is a way to work.
The whole month of May until early June, we were working in a studio in Hannover — just the three of us: Rudolf [Schenker, guitar], Matthias [Jabs, guitar] and myself — with Greg coming in via Zoom every night. For us, at dinner time, and for him, it was, like, around breakfast. And we worked together, going through the songs, talking about the arrangements and everything: ’I like this song’, ’Maybe this we’ll keep for later.’ And we made great progress with the record, believe it or not. So it’s pretty crazy, but it’s been working so far very well.
I must say, especially in this COVID-19 pandemic, it’s a blessing, as artists and musicians, we can take a deep dive in our creative world and create some new stuff, some new songs — to write lyrics, to compose songs. It feels so good that we can work and not sit at home, staring out of the window. So it’s wonderful that we can be very active and very creative, hopefully to do something where all the fans hopefully will enjoy next year when we come back out on the road again with hopefully a couple of great new songs.”
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