Korn kitaristi muistelee esiintymistään Jimmy Kimmelissä huumeiden vaikutuksen alaisena

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 19.10.2013

Korn 2013Yhdysvaltalaisen rockia soittavan Kornin kitaristi Brian ”Head” Welch on julkaissut verkossa kirjoituksen, jossa vertailee yhtyeen hiljattain soittamaa keikkaa Jimmy Kimmel Livessä siihen, kun yhtye esiintyi ensimmäisen kerran kyseisessä ohjelmassa vuonna 2004. Lue lisää nähdäksesi Welchin varsin mielenkiintoinen kirjoitus asiaan liittyen.

“I hadn’t played ‘Jimmy Kimmel Live’ since sometime in 2004. Somehow I remember that day pretty well. I was loaded on meth and Xanex, which I’m sure you know by now was the norm for me back in the day.

So yeah, one day back in 2004, I was up the entire night before the ‘Jimmy Kimmel’ appearance snorting lines and trying to write a “musical masterpiece” on meth, LOL. When I realized I had snorted lines into the next day, I was very paranoid that I would look like a crackhead on TV, so around noon on the ‘Kimmel’ show day, I started drinking and taking Xanex to help take the “crackheadness” away from my countenance… haha… what a loser!

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So, by the time the show started, I swallowed enough Xanex and Coors Light to get my hands to stop shaking from the meth, and I ended up playing decent … I think.
I remember talking to Kimmel on the side of the stage all paranoid, wondering if he thought I was a crackhead, haha. Thank God I can laugh about it now!

Fast-forward to the ‘Kimmel’ show we taped last week – night and day difference from 2004! I brought my parents to the show and they watched the entire taping inside with Kimmel’s other guests; ABC’s ‘Modern Family’ cast.

The bands that perform on Kimmel aren’t allowed to watch the interview sessions of the show as they’re being taped, so I at least wanted my parents to experience it. My daughter came as well. She flew out from her school to hang. She’s a crazy teenage rocker so she got in the crowd and watched from the crowd, front & center!

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JD and Fieldy had their kids with ‘em, as well, so it was a cool family night. I saw Kimmel on the stage like back in 2004, so I walked up and hugged him because I was so stoked I wasn’t on meth this time, LOL. I don’t even know if he remembered me, but I don’t care… everyone needs a hug once in a while!”