Kornin Brian “Head” Welch kommentoi Chuck Mosleyn kuolemaa: ”Menetämme liikaa ihmisiä sairaudelle, joka on addiktio”
Yhdysvaltalaisen metalliyhtye Kornin kitaristi Brian ”Head” Welch julkaisi Instagram -tilillään kuvan, jossa muistelee hiljattain menehtynyttä ex-Faith No more -laulaja Chuck Mosleyta. Kirjoituksessaan Welch muistelee nuoruuttansa ja suhdettaan Faith No Moren musiikkiin, kuin myös ilmaisee huolensa addiktioista, jotka koituvat monen kollegan kuolemaksi. Uskoontullut Welch myös tarjoaa rukousta ja kristinuskon tuomaa lohtua avuksi addiktioita vastaan taistelemiseen.
“I remember living in a tiny apartment in Burbank California living with most of the guys who would later form Korn. They were in their funk rock band called LAPD. I was just hanging out drinking beer trying to figure out life. They were so into the Red Hot Chilli Peppers and Faith No More, and I wanted nothing to do with those bands. Little did I know that Faith No More would grow on me so much that it changed my whole outlook of what metal could sound like.
I remember Fieldy waking the whole house up every single day singing the background vocals for the song “We Care A lot” by Faith No More. Every morning he would scream “whoa whoa uh oh!” Drove us all crazy but looking back now it’s a funny memory. Faith No More with Chuck Mosley were a huge part of our everyday lives back then.
Guys, we need to learn from all this. We are losing too many people to the disease of addiction. It’s a plague that’s sending the angel of death to wipe so many of our people out and it’s got to stop! Please, get help with whatever you’re struggling with. Initiate conversations with the Lord everyday. Religious people make prayer out to be some holier than thou thing, but all it is, is talking to God like a friend. Face-to face. Heart-to heart.
RIP Chuck Mosley, I’m so grateful that you and your family came to see us a couple months ago at our show ”
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