Koronavirukseen sairastunut Testamentin Chuck Billy on jo paremmassa kunnossa

Kirjoittanut Konsta Hietaniemi - 27.3.2020
Chuck Billy

Testamentin laulajalla Chuck Billylla, tämän vaimolla Tiffany Billylla sekä osalla bändin crew’sta todettiin joitakin päiviä sitten koronavirustartunta. Billy on äskettäin antanut kanadalaiselle The Metal Voicelle haastattelun, jossa kertoi olevansa jo paranemaan päin:

” We just made it out of Europe so we said let’s be proactive and see where we can go get tested since we were on tour. They said to us if you don’t have symptoms you can’t get tested so we didn’t get tested. Then as the days went by we started to feel sick and then we called again and they recommended we get tested. By that time we had been in communication with band members and the crew from the bands that traveled with us. It seemed a lot of us were sick with a lot of the same symptoms. For me my symptoms were, my body ached,  headaches, just felt wiped out. First I thought it was just jet lagged but then it came on like you knew you were sick and it didn’t let up. A lot of sleeping. I really didn’t get the fever, just the coughing, tired just slept a lot. Then we did the drive through tests and it took 7 days to get results. So by the time we got our results we were getting better, it slowly was going away. I noticed the first day or two I was huffing and puffing just walking to the bathroom and back but it didn’t get any worse. We weren’t over exerting ourselves. Getting better as time went by, resting and isolating ourselves. Hopefully people will do the right thing and stay isolated as long as they can. ”

Billy myös kommentoi haastattelussa Testamentin 3.4. ilmestyvää ”Titans of Creation” -albumia:

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”It’s a diverse record, there is an array of songs that have their own identity that stand out on their own. It’s definitely a diverse record. It’s a record where I really pushed myself out of my comfort zone. Also there is a lot of personal stuff on the record in terms of song content. Plus this record wasn’t a pain in the ass to make like the last one. The last one was a two year process, this one took nine months to get it written and recorded.”

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