Korpiklaanin rumpali vaihtuu: 17 vuotta bändissä soittaneen Matsonin tilalle Profane Omenin rumpali Samuli Mikkonen

Kirjoittanut Minttu Koskinen - 14.12.2019

Kotimaisen folk metal -yhtye Korpiklaanin pitkäaikainen rumpali Matti ”Matson” Johansson lähtee bändistä 17 vuoden yhteisen taipaleen jälkeen. Bändi ilmoitti sosiaalisessa mediassa uudesta rumpalistaan, joka on Profane Omenista ja Jonnesta tuttu Samuli Mikkonen. Mikkonen soitti osan Korpiklaanin ”Kulkija”-albumin rumpuosuuksista, joten yhteistyö on miehen kanssa tuttua.

Yhtye kertoi uutisesta:

”Every journey has a beginning and an end. After 17 years and many good memories, Matson leaves KORPIKLAANI.
Our new drummer is Samuli Mikkonen. Samuli is formerly known from PROFANE OMEN and JONNE. He already drummed on our ’Kulkija’ album, as he played some of the tracks on the record. Samuli has also been a fill-in live drummer for BATTLE BEAST. Samuli is an energetic drummer with a bombastic playing style. Just wait and see!”

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Samuli Mikkonen kommentoi liittymistään bändin riveihin:

”I could not be more honoured and excited to become a part of KORPIKLAANI. My journey with this music started when I joined the JONNE band back in 2013. I had a musical connection with JONNE right away and we began to make songs together. When KORPIKLAANI was making ’Kulkija’ in Petrax Studios in autumn 2017, I was asked to fill in for some songs. At the end of the day I had recorded drums for ’Neito,’ ’Aallon alla,’ ’Harmaja,’ ’Kotikonnut’ and ’Tuttu on tie’. I was enjoying the music and we had a great time with the band in the studio. I’m very proud of that album. I have been following the band for two decades now and I’m very thrilled to have a chance to play all those great songs live. See you on the road!”

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