Kotimainen black metal -ruhtinas Baptism Season Of Mistille: yhtyeen uusi albumi julkaistaan heinäkuussa

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 29.4.2016

Baptism 2016Kotimainen black metal -yhtye Baptism on solminut sopimuksen Season of Mist Recordsin kanssa. Yhtye on saanut hiljattain valmiiksi Fantom studiossa tulevan ”The Devil’s Fire” -nimisen albuminsa, joka julkaistaan heinäkuun 22. päivä. Voit lukea Lord Sargofagianin viestin yhtyeen tulevaan albumiin liittyen tästä:

”The writing process for new album was the hardest ever for me. I was seriously thinking that this work was never going to finish a couple of times. Yet when once the everything was in place and the mood right, the recording session with this line-up, the new studio, and people behind us turned out to be the easiest since our early demo days. I am proud to say, this is our best devil’s work so far!”

Yhteistyötä Season Of Mist Recordsin kanssa bändi on kommentoinut seuraavasti:

”We are very excited to become a part of Season of Mist, with such a great roster and people behind the label”, writes Lord . It is an honour as well as a great opportunity for us. We are planning to enter studio at the end of this year in order to record our first album for Season of Mist, which will hopefully be released in 2016. We will be coming back stronger than ever and we cannot wait to start a great fire to light the darkness with this record. Until the world may burn… A.M.S.G.”